Am only just able to write about events this weekend as I spent Monday and Tuesday rather shocked and also on a big comedown. (Not a good combination) On Saturday I went to Boo and S&M Chris’s (my old house) for Boo’s leaving party. She’s moving in with me in a couple of weeks. Anyway, the party could quite truthfully be divided into two parties…..
In the first party, we all sat around drinking nice civilised drinks such as Gin and Tonics and talking about culture and politics. In the second party (after roughly 2am) we all took Viagra, Coke and Ecstacy and some of us (not me) got naked and had lots of sex in front of everyone else. I quite enjoyed both parties, but I must say I’m not sure if I’ll regularly be watching gay sex and trying on transvestite’s fake breasts that much in the future. It was fairly outrageous to say the least. Click here for some pics..!!!&.src=bc&.begin=9999&.view=t&.order=&.done=http%3a//!!!%26.src=bc%26.view=t
Naked gay go-go boys aside though, it was really lovely to see them all again. Courtney was right on form and we both danced together most of the night. (That which I can remember anyway) Boo was lovely as ever, and I think it would be fair to say that we spent some quality time together. We have promised to do something civilised for her birthday though, as she was quite upset when it was all still going on at 3 on Sunday afternoon.
I am quite chuffed though, that amongst all that gayety, I managed to pull a (I think) straight man. that was actually not the high point of my evening as numerous friends walked in and I kept falling asleep. Bad Bad Jess.
Funnily enough, Monday and Tuesday were quite a struggle at work. It’s just not the same as taking drugs and then going into school. You actually have to think, come up with ideas AND be organised when you’ve got a proper job. It seemed that all my superiors were being incredibly demanding, and I responded by staring into space a lot and then going home early.
Today was much better though, I had a good catch up and then surfed the net for two hours. (Research) I was just walking down the strand on my way home when I saw one of my favourite one night stands (The fringe actor) walking towards me. I completely panicked and immediately phoned Lorna. (Who, of course, was very sympathetic) I mean, since when were you meant to see one night stands again???? Isn’t that the whole point? Especially in London. And this has happened twice in the last fortnight….with different guys. Honestly, I don’t know why I bother. Nothing is sacred.
In the first party, we all sat around drinking nice civilised drinks such as Gin and Tonics and talking about culture and politics. In the second party (after roughly 2am) we all took Viagra, Coke and Ecstacy and some of us (not me) got naked and had lots of sex in front of everyone else. I quite enjoyed both parties, but I must say I’m not sure if I’ll regularly be watching gay sex and trying on transvestite’s fake breasts that much in the future. It was fairly outrageous to say the least. Click here for some pics..!!!&.src=bc&.begin=9999&.view=t&.order=&.done=http%3a//!!!%26.src=bc%26.view=t
Naked gay go-go boys aside though, it was really lovely to see them all again. Courtney was right on form and we both danced together most of the night. (That which I can remember anyway) Boo was lovely as ever, and I think it would be fair to say that we spent some quality time together. We have promised to do something civilised for her birthday though, as she was quite upset when it was all still going on at 3 on Sunday afternoon.
I am quite chuffed though, that amongst all that gayety, I managed to pull a (I think) straight man. that was actually not the high point of my evening as numerous friends walked in and I kept falling asleep. Bad Bad Jess.
Funnily enough, Monday and Tuesday were quite a struggle at work. It’s just not the same as taking drugs and then going into school. You actually have to think, come up with ideas AND be organised when you’ve got a proper job. It seemed that all my superiors were being incredibly demanding, and I responded by staring into space a lot and then going home early.
Today was much better though, I had a good catch up and then surfed the net for two hours. (Research) I was just walking down the strand on my way home when I saw one of my favourite one night stands (The fringe actor) walking towards me. I completely panicked and immediately phoned Lorna. (Who, of course, was very sympathetic) I mean, since when were you meant to see one night stands again???? Isn’t that the whole point? Especially in London. And this has happened twice in the last fortnight….with different guys. Honestly, I don’t know why I bother. Nothing is sacred.