When I was younger, and people used to talk about retiring to Spain or immigrating to Oz, I would be shocked and not a little disgusted. With the tune to “Jerusalem” wafting through my mind I would make a silent promise in my heart never to leave Britain. I could not fathom how anywhere could be better.
However, as we continue on the slide into Totalitarianism – fuelled by an increasing culture of fear, (which is seemingly unnoticed by the general populus, reminiscent of Nazi Germany) I find myself wanting to live anywhere but here. It is embarrassing to be British. We are no longer known for our tolerance and strength of character, we are regarded as apathetic, vapid sheep who are too busy reading about what fucking Posh Spice is wearing to notice any of the intensely worrying laws being passed that take away the basic liberties and freedoms that once made me proud to be British.
I was talking about this with a friend last night and he said that maybe people were embarrassed about the occupation of Iraq and that is why it is not discussed anymore. People are not embarrassed. They just couldn’t give a flying fuck. That’s the sad truth of it. People are too busy watching Big Brother. Oh, the bitter irony of it.
Fuck it all, I’ve had enough. I resign. Britain can fuck right off.