Saturday, October 29

This is ridiculous. I am sat here doing the following, all simultaneously -

Updating my blog.

Having 2 text conversations, both unrelatedly regarding some sort of costuming, strangely.

Emailing three burners.

Chatting on messenger to two people, one of whom is the ex. (Whaa)

Is communication technology overload. I must stop. The stupidest thing is that I am getting paid for it. What a joke. That's what box office staff are supposed to do though right?

Going to an 80sphantasmagoricalhorror party in West Hampstead tonight....looking forward to it as have not been out all week...Right, feeling twitchy and distracted so must close all windows and stop...


Blogger SargentPepper said...

I just called to say I love you...(ahem)
I do love you man x

5:03 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

I do love you too man x Ah bless the fuckin hippies...

5:44 PM  

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