I am now sans boyfriend. Shaz & I broke up yesterday morning after dragging the whole thing out with nearly 1 month’s silence. It was the most amicable break-up I have ever been involved in although, of course, this could change. I had prepared a massive speech, which I read out to him - expecting an argument – only to find he agreed with everything I had said. We then lay on the bed for an hour or so, chatting about our futures without each other, our past with each other, family, careers and other stuff. A few tears were shed (by me of course) but there were no histrionics, blame or guilt. I’m glad that it ended like this.
Although I know it’s the right time for it to happen, I still have all the symptoms of heartbreak (but to a lesser degree than other break-ups). At the risk of sounding like Bridget Jones, they are as follows –
- A strange urge to stay in bed and watch reality TV and romantic comedies whilst
eating crisps and Easter eggs. (Which is what I did last night)
A complete lack of interest in any other men, or any other people for that
No sex drive
Dull pain in thorax area
No appetite
Tendency for eyes to fill with tears on tube or other public place.
Feeling of doom. (Actually I always have that.)
Lack of interest in drinking and smoking (Strangest symptom of all.)
Although these things are all present, I am surprisingly ok. Think it’s because we have slowly been coming to this since October, and also I always knew we were very much unsuited – as did Shaz.