Wednesday, April 25

Fuck Yeah! It's enough to make one cream one's pants. More new breed action. I can't wait....

Tuesday, April 17

To do before move onto boat in under three weeks. Eeeeeeeeek!

  1. Clothes: Sort. Reduce by half, keep sparkly stuff, furry stuff, silky stuff, lacy stuff el-wire embellished stuff and net curtains to make many petticoats. Step up new offensive in war against Turtle’s sock collection.
  2. Shoes: Keep only 2 pairs stiletto boots & 2 pairs stiletto shoes, 1 pair flat boots 1 pair ballet pumps, 1 pair flip flops, 1 pair wellies. Rest: Oxfam. Hmmm still too may pairs of shoes
  3. Linen and towels: Reduce by half. Rest: Recycle.
  4. CDs: Put into books and recycle cases. Ditto DVDs.
  5. Furniture: Find homes for precious stuff (thanks Manda for taking ottomans). Rest: Freecycle.
  6. Books: Eeeeeek! Find (dry) place to keep until buy/build big enough boat to house bookshelves.*
  7. Toolbox: sort, re-stock and keep.
  8. Correspondence: file in date order and keep. (Throw out notes from 2003 that say: “Jessie just gone to shop, love you. xxx”)
  9. Art: Keep, hang on boat where possible, store rest in dry place.
  10. Other shit: jumbo crayons, half finished crumpled wrapping paper, underwater photos of the Great Barrier Reef that didn’t come out, earrings I haven’t worn for six years, mouldy body scrub, fairy castle that lights up, rizlas that are stuck together, blown out speakers, brown eyeshadows, decorative candles, broken oil-burners, pin-badges of Pete & Carl when they were happy, (well, maybe not those) 6 million “trinket” boxes in different shapes and sizes, draft essays from degree course, ticket stubs, snapped sunglasses with the Man on, preview cards, show catalogues. Freecycle, recycle, get it away from me

Enough is enough.

*NB It is not at all possible for me to part with my books. This is not materialistic. Each and every one is attached to my soul. They have seen me through the good and bad times, have given me more comfort than people have and more escapism than a screen could ever provide.

Monday, April 16

The Mother Creature can’t make it on her long awaited trip to India this year due to lack of ££££££s (a family theme for 2007?)

So, for her birthday surprise Turtle & I took her to the Swaminarayan Mandir in Neasden yesterday, figuring it was probably the closest thing you could get to India in Europe.

We weren’t wrong.

It was completely rammed and pretty overwhelming. At first I felt a little awkward as we were the only three white faces in maybe five hundred, but I soon realised that these people there were the second most welcoming community I have ever encountered. I think we will be going back.

Needless to say it was a humbling experience in the presence of God which brought forth more than a few tears. It is getting increasingly difficult for me to avoid the fact that there are certain obvious but difficult to practice central principles shared between the more valuable ways of life in this world.

Unfortunately, these central principles do not advocate drinking whisky, being cynical and smoking fags so that counts Muffin out. However, I am considering getting a weekly organic vegetable box delivery - something which I previously considered a bit wanky - and that'll do for now.

Thursday, April 5


Team Jurtle have created their first Turtle Cult studio effort, a sign for our bar at the party tomorrow night.

It involves white faux fur, blue el-wire and a blacklight. Melikey. It bodes well and it was fun.

Only involved a teeny bit of shouting:

"Godammit, leave that fucking el-wire and come and clean your teeth."

Ah marital bliss.

Wednesday, April 4

How exciting. Have discovered the following about the land around our mooring:

Turner lived there

Pocahontas lived there (really!)

Shelley lived there

Jess Eddie, inventor of the catwalk lived there.

John Quincy Adams (US President) lived there

There have been two important battles there, one involving King Canute and one involving Caesar.

Well. If it’s good enough for them it’s good enough for the Turtles. And to think I was worrying about leaving the rich history of the East End behind.

I really will miss the ghost of John Merrick though.

Monday, April 2

It's Twin Peaks night tonight in Bethnal Green and I have made Millionaire's Shortbread. Yum.