So. Have just had 5 days off work, hooray!! Here is what I did with them -
Ate quite a lot of delicious food. (Have discovered a brilliant cafe just round the corner from us which does delicious meals for a fiver and is also Halal which means that me & the boyfriend can go too)
Cooked some delicious food. Prawn noodle soup. Mmmmm.
Went to see Matthew Bourne's
Swan Lake, with my mum. It was utterly amazing and I couldn't stop crying for quite a long time aferwards, in fact not until I was distracted by food.
Tried to sort out some family feuds that we're having at the moment.
Went to see a band called
Perico at
Cargo for Ali G's birthday. They had a very interesting sound and were really tight given the variety of instruments involved, check out the website.
Drank a lot of whisky at the Perico gig, but this has nothing to do with my opinion of them, they really are quite good.
Watched Mental Suburban Housewives on C4 or whatever it's called. This is also quite good.
Watched the hilarious Peepshow also on C4.
Went for a Turkish bath with Helen & Boo for some girls time. Is very nice & liberating to be around lots of naked women gossiping in the steam.
Got drunk and discussed religion - conclusion; all very confusing.
Got drunk and discussed men - conclusion; all very bad & useless. (See Hareem idea below, reaction to this fact.)
Got drunk and discussed childhoods - conclusion; difficult but character building
Got drunk and taught my mum hip-hop moves with Helen in our kitchen
Read Louis De Bernieres "The War over Don Emmanuels Nether Regions". Very good book, dense, complex, educational and riveting. Not the sort of book you can read when drunk.
Hoovered the stairs
Twisted my ankle leaping over a puddle in my stilletoes
Made friends with a tramp at Old St petrol station who was syphoning petrol with the aid of a bicycle pump and claiming that he used to be a rock star.
Played with Baby Grace (four teeth now!) and chatted to Lucy.
So that's what I've been doing. Decided that we (Me & Helen) would start a social experiment in the form of a Hareem rather than getting married off. Lorny & Boo have since elected to join although Lorny's boyfriend was definitely not keen on the idea.Mum to be Hareem Mama helping out with the babies. Male leader of Hareem to be all the following:
Creative (Last three essential for good genes)
Owner of large country property
Quite silly/shallow/cheesy, therefore giving Hareem members no opportunity to fall in love with him
Comfortable with Hareem idea (obviously)
Friendless, therefore unable to "hire out" Hareem members to friends
I think the Hareem idea is great and could definitely be the way forward. I would certainly hate to give up my warm, close network of female friends and exchange it for a relationship with a man where we got on each other's nerves constantly. However much you say you're going to stay in touch with your mates when you settle down with a man, it just isn't the same as living with them.With the Hareem you can still live with the girls and have all that fun and simply use the man for sexual gratification and baby making. The only thing is, no-one could fall in love with the Hareem leader as that would spoil the dynamic.
Apart from that, I've been surfing the net in search of old music. Anyone reading this who knows of any MJ-12 CD recordings please let me know in the comments box as I can't find them anywhere for love nor money and their website is down.
Anyway better go now as I'm getting cold typing. Brrr.