Saturday, September 24

Today me and Helsy had an adventure-filled day of spreading the love....We walked from our house to Greenwich and back. It took six hours in total (usually only takes an hour) and was very fun.

Our first stop was at the adventure playground over the road from our house. We played with all the 10 year olds for a bit, beat them at everything and then moved on triumphant. My 11 year old brother has told me that I have the same mental age as him and sometimes I think he's right.

After that we went to Limehouse Basin where we were apprehended trying to steal two canoes. The man who caught us was very nice though and told us about some castle and reservoir in Hackney where you can play in canoes for £3, which I didn't quite understand, but sounds fun. I think we might go there soon.

We stopped at another playground and went on a rope-swing over a burnt mattress and a shopping trolley, ah urban bliss.

Then we got to Greenwich and ate some food in the park whilst scaring two girls.

After that we started to make our way home, walked through some bushes and up a hill, and found ourselves in the stable yard of an equestrian centre in the middle of the city. It was fucking odd. Helsy asked if she could "borrow a horse". She was a bit put out when they said no and grumbled for at least 15 minutes.

The we looked at the llamas, wandered through the empty docklands, waxed lyrical about architecture and urban landscape, saw some sculptures of rabbit people in a corporate institution and went home.

It was a good day indeed.


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