Friday, February 16

A Life Aquatic?

This last ten days have been an eye opener.

Fuck a barge. You can get a sound as fuck 117' 1958 cruising residential trawler for the same price as a posh canal boat. Imagine that?! Chugging up through the North Sea and descending on Dougal & Pepper with a megaphone and the announcement that they are so fucking doomed....

Turtle and I have discovered that there is a world of nautical opportunity out there which excites me greatly. Admittedly, a trawler may be slightly ambitious for a first time buy, and would perhaps be more suitable when we are in our forties and completely insane.

However, we should make a start on this in the next couple of months. We are thinking solid steel, we are thinking ex-Navy, we are thinking historical, we are thinking 4-5 berth, we are thinking solar panels, we are thinking hard as fuck and self sufficient. In short – we are thinking zombie proof.


Blogger Porcelain said...

So excited for you guys! If I manage to get my work permit next year I'm gonna buy a boat. We could be the British Burners on Boats.

10:05 PM  

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