Monday, December 18

So, this weekend, amongst other things I threw sardines out of the bathroom window for the neighbours' kitten, whom they had cruelly locked out in their yard. It was crying excessively, the poor little thing. If they do it again I shall steal it for my own and keep it in my room.

This blog has been silent recently as I am currently more than a little harrased, the world of contemporary craft objects is bearing down on my shoulders and will remain that way until our show opens in February.

London is sucking out all my energy as well:

rush rush rush, clean clean clean, drink drink drink, eat eat eat, buy buy buy, chat chat chat, tube tube tube, bus bus bus. Teetering on the brink of wankerdom. It's like a hamster wheel of contemporary city living complete with laminate floor boards, mini breaks in Prague and moccachino. It's crap. I resign from the middle classes as of this minute....From now on I will eat Fray Bentos pies with crinkle cut oven chips, go down the bookies and get pissed on a Sunday afternoon in the pub.


Blogger SargentPepper said...

a wee bit of beetroot with that Fray Bentos darlin?

5:56 PM  
Blogger Turtle said...

Since when do you ever take buses.. don't you normally dance around and bus stops like a mad person blocking everyone who tries to get past? hee hee

11:48 AM  

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