Tuesday, June 27

Ok, feeling slightly more recovered now.....

Rockness defining moment # 1:

5pm. The sun comes out. Slam throw down Underworld’s “Born Slippy”. 22,000 Scots go completely mental at hearing their theme tune in such a setting. I feel happy to be alive. One of the most vibrant and heartfelt crowd responses I have ever encountered.

Rockness defining moment # 2:

2 am. Due to a lack of transport organisation, thousands of us have been stranded on the side of Lochness since the gig finished at 11pm. The coastguard turns up and starts throwing mountain survival tents over the more serious casualties of drugs and seeping cold. We can’t figure out who he is. After taking in his officious yellow uniform and busy demeanor, Zooty declares that he’s “a bee.” I giggle. It seems like a reasonable assumption.

What a weekend. What a crew. What a life. Ace.


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