Monday, June 12

Turtle finished his exams on Saturday and it was our six month anniversary.

We celebrated by watching the football and then swimming in the River Taff with our clothes on whilst Welsh urchins jumped off the bridge and threw stones at people.

Cardiff University boat race was very entertaining. Students paddled their way down the river, crammed onto a variety of inflatable sharks, bananas and in one case a bath tub no doubt procured from their rented accommodation. They used shelves as oars and swigged lager whilst a man with a megaphone stood on the bridge abusing them in extremely colourful terms.

Oxford and Cambridge just doesn’t compare, frankly.

I'm feeling quite sad today as that was my last visit to the Land of my Fathers. I will very much miss my Cardiff weekends and I’m glad that I strengthened my roots over the last six months.

Wales rocks ass.


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