Wednesday, September 20

So things are decidedly odd....

The evenings are filled with domestic bliss: Jurtle do their washing, Jurtle go to Lidl, Jurtle share delicious house meals with the rats, Jurtle meet on the tube platform after work and embrace in manner of fifties paperback romance.

The nights are sweaty and restless, filled with insomnia and nightmares. Last night my dreams featured a strange new society with secret police, sinister characters and mysterious symbols above my hotel room bed. Everyone I knew was in on my fate but no-one would tell me what was happening. Betrayal and fear is the theme in the darkness, it seems. Or fear of betrayal.

I blame watching X-Men 3 on the flight home. It’s obviously far too hardcore for me.


Blogger Boudicca Lee said...

I watched X-Men 3 alone one afternoon in a deserted cinema and wept like a mad woman when Professer X died and as Damaris said to me when I told her: "X-Men isn't meant to be cathartic, it's meant to be fun"

10:47 AM  

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