Wednesday, July 12

I am so knackered from the mind-blowing Sigur Ros gig last night that I have just emailed a gallery in Milan regarding a late Stand contract asking them to:

“Return their Satan’s Acceptance Forms to me via fax immediately.”

Lunar Park has had an adverse effect on my mind set.

I am fascinated with the Terby and was late for work this morning as I stood rooted to the platform at Angel tube station for fifteen minutes at rush hour, devouring page after page of the fabulously sinister novel. A book that can frighten a happy young lass in one of the most crowded and bright environments in the world is a strong piece of work indeed.

Bret triumphs again – such a clever boy.


Blogger Boudicca Lee said...

The Turby is a grotesque parody of the Furby...I once had a Furby that I had to throw away because it used to shout "Hit-ler, Hit-ler, Hit-ler".

9:11 AM  

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