Thursday, December 15

I have just written about fifteen drafts trying to describe Lee's funeral and simply can't.

It went something like this....

Sherry, coffee, cigarettes, hearse, procession, Dylan, welcome by Dashiel, Diamond Dogs, speeches, tears, snot, tears, laughter, poetry by Lee - "Fear of Fluids", Roger McGough read by Boudicca, shamanic journey, tears, snot, tears, laughter, tears, Jack White, into the brightness outside, hugs, cigarettes,on to the wake, mulled wine, grandparents, shoe-swapping, ham, cheese, soup, cigarettes, off home, dog's dead too, fuck, shock, brandy, tears, hysterical laughter, hasty grave digging, spliffs, hugs, train to London.

One thing I must say is there was a lot of love in that room and I am so proud of Boo, Dash and Jan....They have done amazingly.


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